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Our new mission: “Welcome to the world of games”

Everything begins from a study we conducted in 2020 with regards to the brand image of Blue Orange. We contacted authors, distributors, publishers, press and some reviewers in order to know how we were perceived and identify our strengths but also our weaknesses. These numerous exchanges allowed us to assert our position in the world of games.

The world of modern board games has different players each with their own specificities. This study showed us that the Blue Orange games are the perfect way to discover this vast and varied world. It seems appropriate to summarize this ambition, which is to invite the non-players and aspiring players to discover board games as per the slogan “Welcome to the world of games”.

Be known as “The gateway through modern board games”

Our desire is to accompany and initiate the users of board games through a playful journey which goes from kids games, to the game for more experienced players while passing by party games for family and friends. We want to be identified as THE gateway through modern board games, the publisher you will recommend to start your playful journey without any fear or difficulty.

You will have noticed that we don’t publish “expert” games, not that we don’t like this category of games, on the contrary, but simply because that does not correspond to our target and our mission.

17 years of experience and several awards (As d’Or, Spiel and Kinderspiel des Jahres, Grand Prix du Jouet, etc.) have confirmed our expertise: our games are at the same time innovative, clever and accessible.

However, we don’t forget the “experts” gamers. We are at their side so that they can introduce their loved ones to board games so they can join them later on in more complex games. By offering a Blue Orange game, they offer a game that says “Welcome to the world of games”!

A more selective sourcing for a successful development

We used to publish more than 20 games per year. The study conducted in 2020, led us to rethink our editorial policy by reducing our releases to 12 games per year. This decision will allow us to:

  • improve our sourcing by making it more selective;
  • spend more time developing our games;
  • defend and promote each game the same way.

The objective is to continue to respect our positioning and our values: “Blue Orange offers families and children clever, fun, innovative and accessible board games that enables them to discover and enjoy the world of modern board games”. It is translated in our baseline by “Hot Games”.

More trees and less plastic for a “Cool Planet” target

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Next to “Hot Games” in our baseline you will also find the notion of “Cool Planet”. Respecting the environment in which we evolve is a value that we wish to transmit to all: players, collaborators, distributors, partners.

As an international publisher of board games concerned about the ecological footprint that leaves our activity on the planet, we made the choice, since 2017, to collaborate with the French and Equatorian NGO Ishpingo. In total, by the end of 2021, we have planted 11,711 trees. The objective for 2022 is to reach 15,000.

In 2020, we met Wings of the Ocean, a French clean-up association founded in 2018, on the topic of the plastic in our games.

Our goal is to ban all unnecessary plastic – understand here, any disposable and non essential elements of the game – and replace them with paper elements for example. This is already the case for several of our 2022 releases such as Next Station London, Museum Suspects or Wonder Woods.

Moreover, we have accompanied Wings of the Ocean in their actions to collect waste on beaches and coastlines by supporting them financially.

A Cool Planet is also a Planet for everyone. Like this, we regularly work in collaboration with local or global non profit organizations, and organize solidarity actions to help and entertain children wherever they are. Between 2020 and 2021, Blue Orange spent €110,847 on social actions and especially during the holiday period.

This study has led us to many reflections. With the different projects that are coming up, we hope to see a large audience of players pass through the gateway in the world of games and walk along the ludic course that we offer.

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