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Top That!
Put on your hat, break out your props, and hide your rabbits in this magical match up! When the challenge card is flipped over, players race to stack their objects in 1 single pile following 3 simple rules: objects printed in color must be visible on the stack, objects printed in grey must be hidden INSIDE objects on the stack, and objects surrounded by stars must be kept empty. Do you have what it takes to master your magic in this grand stack ‘em up finale?
Designer·s: Thierry Denoual
Illustrator·s: Stéphane Escapa
55 challenge cards, 20 plastic magic props (4 Black Top Hats, 4 Red Cups, 4 Orange Tubes, 4 Green Coins, 4 White Rabbits)
- Problem solving
- Focus and attention
- Processing speed
- Fine motor
- Visual perception