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Kingdomino Age of Giants

They arrive from the mountains, noisy and turbulent! Be carefull, here are the giants! They too want to take advantage of the kingdoms under construction… but it will be at your expense…

“”Age of giants”” is an expansion for Kingdomino and Queendomino games. To be played, it requires to possess one or the other of these games, and allows in both cases, to be played from 2 up to 5 players.

Designer·s: Bruno Cathala
Illustrator·s: Cyril Bouquet


Pictos Kingdomino Age Of Giants


3D castle, 1 distribution tower, 2 brown wooden kings, 1 starting tile, 29 dominoes (12 Giant dominoes, 17 Quest tiles), 6 “Giant” meeples, 1 score pad


  • Maths
  • Social play
  • Focus and attention
  • Visual perception

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To play Kingdomino with 5 players

To interfere with your opponents’ territories with the giants

To take up many new challenges

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