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Sail away with Blue Lagoon!

Blue Lagoon is an area control and set collection game in which players manage a group of settlers spreading out over the islands of a newly discovered archipelago!

Blue Lagoon is an area control and set collection game in which players manage a group of settlers spreading out over the islands of a newly discovered archipelago!

The game is played over two phases (the exploration phase followed by the settlement phase). Over the course of both phases, you will expand your presence on the board by adding one new token each turn (either a settler or a village token). The goal is to collect the resources scattered over the map by placing your tokens on top of them.

CATEGORY: Euro games
DESIGNER: Reiner Knizia
CONTENTS: 1 board, 32 Resources and Statuettes, 4×5 wooden Villages, 4×30 Settlers (boat side/land side), 1 linen bag, 1 score pad
SKILLS: Math, Focus and attention


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Blue Lagoon 3D Box and components
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