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Uly & Polly

ULY & POLLY is a semi-cooperative game where each round it’s one player against the others.
This player is Uly, the mischievous little wolf who likes to hide in the flock of sheep.
All the other players work together as Polly the sheepdog to find the little wolf’s hiding place.
Win Reward tokens for every success you achieve according to your role in the game in order to have as many as possible at the end of the game!

Designer·s: Roberto Fraga
Illustrator·s: Stivo



1 wooden piece, 17 tiles, 20 tokens


  • Bluff
  • Social play
  • Focus and attention

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An asymmetrical game: play the wolf and the shepherd dog

Introduction to bluff from the age of 4

A semi-cooperative gaming experience

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