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Cupcake Academy

The desserts are ready and there is only the last step left: dressage. Work as a team to achieve them perfectly in a limited time. You’ll see, it’s quite an art! Be smart and communicate, it’s essential to be part of the Cupcake Academy! Will you have your place on the team?

Designer·s: Erwan Morin
Illustrator·s: Simon Douchy


Pictos Cupcake Academy


20 Cupcake cups, 12 Personal plates, 1 Shared plate, 60 Assignment cards (20 blue cards for 2 players, 20 pink cards for 3 players, 20 green cards for 4 players), 1 Achievement checklist card, 1 seven-minute sand timer


  • Cooperation
  • Fine motor
  • Problem solving
  • Processing speed
  • Visual perception

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A dynamic, cooperative and addictive multiplayer puzzle game!

Challenges of increasing difficulty

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